Rahim, Ridzwan Bin Ahmad & Khafidz Hamzah Pembahagian Pusaka Islam dan Permasalahannya di Singapura (Distribution of Muslim s Estate and Issues in Singapore) Feirul Maliq Intajalle & Luqman Haji Abdullah SOCIO ECONOMIC FACTORS IN SOUTHEAST ASIAN DEVELOPMENT Does Social Remittance Take Place among Indonesian Plantation Workers in Malaysia? Linda A.

Address Editor JATI (Journal of Southeast Asian Studies) Department of Southeast Asian Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Telephone: (603) Facsmile: (603) Indexing JATI (Journal of Southeast Asian Studies) is indexed by M圜ite 2014, copyright by Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malayaģ Jati Volume 19 ISSN December 2014 JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF MALAYAĥ Jati Volume 19 ISSN December 2014 Continuity and Change in Southeast Asian Development: The Challenges 1-2 of Complexity Introduction to Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Jati 19) David Martin Jones (Guest Editor) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA The Arbitration Case between Philippines and China over their Dispute 3-24 in the South China Sea Lowell Bautista The International Legal Definition of Piracy and its Motives Ahmad Almaududy Amri Pulau Pisang Light: A Non-Malaysian Lighthouse on a Malaysian Island Mohd Hazmi Mohd Rusli, Rahmat Mohamad & Roman Dremliuga THE EVOLUTION ISLAMIC DISCOURSE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Laissez-Faire in the Malay Archipelago: A Western Concept? Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja Ulama dan Wacana Islam dalam Hubungan Intelektual di Tanah Melayu dan Indonesia (Islamic Scholars and Discourse of Intellectual Relations in Malaya and Indonesia) Badlihisyam Mohd Nasir, Rahimin Affandi Abd. The citation should follow APA style with endnotes and list of References. Contributions in English or Malay/Indonesian should be typed singled-spaced and should not exceed 15 pages. Every paper should include 250 words of abstract and keywords in English.

1 ISSN VOLUME 19 DECEMBER 2014 JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF MALAYAĢ JATI (Journal of Southeast Asian Studies) A multi-disciplinary of area studies blind reviewed journal published annually by the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur is concerned with research results in the areas of politics, economy, culture, anthropology, sociology, history, geography and other social sciences and humanities pertaining to Southeast Asia.