Jaga's line when he presents their gear is that, on Thundera, they didn't need "special" clothes or weapons, not that they didn't wear clothes at all.
#Thundercats intro animation skin
Word of God is that they are, in fact, wearing clothes (as one might think from Panthro's belt, Cheetara's boots, and the Kittens' "trunk lines"), their clothes just oddly match their skin patterns.Barbie Doll Anatomy: In the first episode, the Thundercats are all naked, and they have no genitals or nipples.Barely Changed Dub Name: In the Brazilian dub, the names of Lion-O and Lynx-O had the "-O" part removed, becoming simply Lion and Lynx.At least if the 80s action figure and some of the comics are to be believed. His head is normally covered in either a hood (in his decayed form) or an elaborate headdress (in his ever-living form) but he is apparently bald as a nut underneath. As Long as There is Evil: "And wherever evil exists Mumm-Ra lives!".Artifact of Attraction: Lion-O can call for the Sword of Omens to come to him.Applied Phlebotinum: Both Thundrillium and Thundrainium fall into this category.The whole sequence has pretty cool animation, compared to the rest of the episode. Episode 45, "Turmagar the Tuska", has a long scene with the Thundercats fighting a giant robot.Animation Bump: The Title Sequence, "Crystal Canyon", "The Telepathy Beam" and "The Wild Workout".

Animal-Themed Superbeing: Obviously, they're all cat-based.Also, there are some stray humans such as Hachiman, Mandora and Safari Joe (though the latter two are Human Aliens). A few human-looking populations are shown (the warrior maidens, Professor Dometome and his associates). There are also hints that Third Earth is the future of our world, but what happened to the human race is not revealed. After the End: The Thundercats' original homeworld blows up during the Premiere.Action-Hogging Opening: More than a few fans have stated that the Title Sequence is the best part of the whole show.Pumyra and the Warrior Maidens as well.Remarkably, in several episodes she gets to save the day, on her own, when all the rest of the team has been defeated. Achilles' Heel: Mumm-Ra's reflection instantly defeats him.Sword of Omens, grant me tropes beyond tropes!